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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086


Оптический журнал

Полнотекстовый перевод журнала на английский язык издаётся Optica Publishing Group под названием “Journal of Optical Technology“

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Refractometric fiber optic sensor for in-situ monitoring the state-of-charge of a lead acid battery

Ссылка для цитирования:

Supriya S. Patil, V. P. Labade, N. M. Kulkarni, A. D. Shaligram Refractometric fiber optic sensor for in-situ monitoring the state-of-charge of a lead acid battery [на англ. яз.] // Оптический журнал. 2014. Т. 81. № 3. С. 61–66.


Supriya S. Patil, V. P. Labade, N. M. Kulkarni, A. D. Shaligram Refractometric fiber optic sensor for in-situ monitoring the state-of-charge of a lead acid battery [in English] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2014. V. 81. № 3. P. 61–66.

Ссылка на англоязычную версию:

Supriya S. Patil, V. P. Labade, N. M. Kulkarni, and A. D. Shaligram, "Refractometric fiber optic sensor for in-situ monitoring the state-of-charge of a lead acid battery," Journal of Optical Technology. 81(3), 159-163 (2014).


In-situ monitoring of the state of charge (SOC) of a lead acid battery is important to understand the residual electrical energy. Usage of the battery reduces the charge content of the active electrolyte which in turn changes its refractive index. This paper reports a refractometric fiber optic sensor developed for on-line monitoring of SOC. The sensor is designed in such a way that it can be easily fitted in any cell of a lead acid battery. The SOC of the battery is estimated from sensor output. The battery performance parameters of the battery, such as terminal voltage, discharge current, ampere-hour, battery temperature, SOC and depth of discharge using the fiber optic sensor output of the battery are monitored for a given electric load. The data is recorded continuously by a data acquisition card USB 6009 using the Lab VIEW Platform. Concurrently the specific gravity of the active electrolyte is measured using the suck type of acidic hydrometer. The set of experiments are carried out for different discharge currents by varying the electrical load and the SOC of the battery is monitored. After comparing the results for the SOC of the battery with the conventional methods, such as coulomb counting, terminal voltage and acidic hydrometer, it is concluded that the developed sensor output is a direct measure of the SOC of the battery.

Ключевые слова:

fiber optic sensor, state of charge of battery, lead acid battery, refractometric sensor


Один из авторов (Supriya S. Patil) выражает благодарность начальнику департамента электронных наук университета Пуны за предоставление возможности использования лабораторий для работы. Автор также выражает благодарность директору колледжа Фергюссон за предоставление необходимого лабораторного оборудования. Кроме того, автор выражает глубокую признательность за постановление университетской комиссии Нью-Дели об одобрении от сообщества преподавателей, директору, Dr. S. G. Gupta, и администрации колледжа Abasaheb Garware за предоставление учебного отпуска.   

Список источников:

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6. Handbook of batteries. Edition 5.