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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086


Оптический журнал

Полнотекстовый перевод журнала на английский язык издаётся Optica Publishing Group под названием “Journal of Optical Technology“

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Polyaniline nanoparticles: potential optical coherence tomography contrast agents

Ссылка для цитирования:

Jianfeng Yu, Zhiming Liu, Xinpeng Wang, Mei Jin, Haolin Chen, Zhouyi Guo Polyaniline nanoparticles: potential optical coherence tomography contrast agents [на англ. яз.] // Оптический журнал. 2015. Т. 82. № 9. С. 82–89.


Jianfeng Yu, Zhiming Liu, Xinpeng Wang, Mei Jin, Haolin Chen, Zhouyi Guo Polyaniline nanoparticles: potential optical coherence tomography contrast agents [in English] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2015. V. 82. № 9. P. 82–89.

Ссылка на англоязычную версию:

Jianfeng Yu, Zhiming Liu, Xinpeng Wang, Mei Jin, Haolin Chen, and Zhouyi Guo, "Polyaniline nanoparticles: potential optical coherence tomography contrast agents," Journal of Optical Technology. 82(9), 639-645 (2015).


Polyaniline, an organic conducting polymer, exhibits strong light absorption in the near-infrared region. Herein, the potential of polyaniline nanoparticles as the contrast agents for optical coherence tomography imaging was investigated. Polyaniline nanoparticles were synthesized by a facile chemical oxidative method. The optical coherence tomography images obtained from ex vivo swine liver tissues showed the concentration-dependent contrast effect of polyaniline nanoparticles. Then the nanoagents were applied to in vivo optical coherence tomography imaging of tumor tissues using a xenograft tumor mouse model. The penetration depth of the optical coherence tomography signals from tumors injected with polyaniline nanoparticles was significantly lower than that from tumors injected with phosphate buffer solution. The remarkable contrast effect of polyaniline nanoparticles was then quantitatively studied by the attenuation coefficients of optical coherence tomography signals. Furthermore, the permeation dynamics of polyaniline nanoparticles in tissue was also studied by Raman spectroscopy.

Ключевые слова:

polyaniline nanoparticle, optical coherence tomography, Raman spectroscopy


Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Национального фонда естественных наук Китая (гранты №№ 61275187, 61335011, 11404116 и 31300691), Фонда специализированных исследований программ аспирантуры в области высшего образования Китая (гранты №№ 20114407110001 и 20134407120003), Научно-технологического проекта провинции Гуандун (грант № 2012A080203008), Научно-технологического инновационного проекта департамента образования провинции Гуандун (грант № 2013KJCX0052), Научно-исследовательского фонда для молодых ученых Южно-Китайского педагогического университета (грант № 14KJ10). 

Коды OCIS: 160.4890, 170.1650

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