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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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УДК: 535.8

Using substrates with various surface microreliefs in optoelectronics and information-display devices

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Беляев В.В. Применение подложек с различными микрорельефами поверхности в оптоэлектронике и устройствах отображения информации // Оптический журнал. 2005. Т.72. №9 С. 79-85.


Belyaev V.V. Using substrates with various surface microreliefs in optoelectronics and information-display devices [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2005. V. 72. No 9. P. 79-85.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

Belyaev V.V. Using substrates with various surface microreliefs in optoelectronics and information-display devices // Journal of Optical Technology. 2005. V. 72. № 9. P. 719-724.


This paper discusses various designs of displays with elements on whose surface there is regular or irregular microrelief. The effect of the parameters of the microrelief (the period, depth, shape, and refractive index) on the characteristics of liquid-crystal and LED displays is investigated. Examples are given of structures with microlens relief for creating group-use screens with the possibility of forming an autostereoscopic image and ZBD (zenithal bistable device) displays with microrelief and homeotropic surface orientation of the liquid crystals (LCs) for the implementation of bistable or multistable switching of the optical response of an LC cell. In conclusion, modern methods are considered for shaping surface microrelief, and methods of determining the optical characteristics of the substrates of such displays are discussed.

OCIS codes: 110.2870, 160.3710.