Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2023. V. 90. № 7.
Calculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Voloshina, A.L., Dmitriev, A.A., Varzhel, S.V., Kulikova, V.A., Kozlova, A.I., Kaliazina, D.V.
Inscription study of superimposed chirped fiber Bragg gratingsLaser physics and technique
Ruzhevich, M.S., Semakova, A.A., Mynbaev, K.D., Bazhenov, N.L.
Optical transitions in long-wavelength light-emitting diode heterostructures based on InAsSbOptical instrument making and metrology
Kolyuchkin, V.Y., Kostylev, N.M., Shustova, A.A.
Range-gated active-imaging system for an underwater robotic complexBokatyi, I.O., Korotaev, V.V., Romanova, G.E., Timofeev A.N., Ryzhova, V.A.
Scintillation optical-electronic converter of gamma radiation based on silicon photomultiplierLeonov, M.B., Terletskiy, E.S., Seregin, D.A.
Substrate material and geometry features of measurement slits influence on infrared optical systems quality characteristics measurementBelan I.M., Larionov, Y.P., Larionov, D.Y.
Stand for measuring the residual reactive moment of the optical-mechanical systemLeonov, M.B., Shulga, A.A.
The influence of scattering light on optical systems’ quality characteristicsBedrin, A.G., Guryev, A.P., Gromovenko, V.M., Zhilin, A.N., Mironov, I.S.
Measurement of the plasma sources spectral radianceKazachkova, I.D., Plotnikov, M.Y., Konnov, K.A., Konnov, D.A.
Development the method of direct phase demodulation Fabry–Perot interferometer for temperature measurements using frequency scanningZhuk, K.V., Smirnov, S.V.
Efficiency of thermoluminescent response of laser-structured polycrystalline and monocrystalline α-Al2O3Likhomanova, S.V., Zubtsova, Y.A., Kamanina, N.V.
Polarization properties of iodine-polyvinyl alcohol polarizers sensitized with graphene oxideOptical material science and technology
Lukin, A.V., Gurin, N.A., Melnikov, A.N., Lisova, E.G., Svistunova, A.A.
Experimental use of precision replication technology to recover optical parts from rejects in batch production