УДК: 535-15 535-31 621.373.8
Designing a beam expander for dual-wave laser fluorescence lidar
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Коханенко Г.П., Макогон М.М., Пономарев Ю.Н., Рынков О.А., Симонова Г.В. Расчет расширителя пучка двухволнового лазерного флуоресцентного лидара // Оптический журнал. 2012. Т. 79. № 4. С. 28-32.
Kochanenko G. P., Makogon M. M., Ponomarev Yu. N., Rynkov O. A., Simonova G. V. Designing a beam expander for dual-wave laser fluorescence lidar [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2012. V. 79. № 4. P. 28-32.
This paper presents the design and the results of an aberration calculation of a beam expander consisting of the transmitter of a dual-wave laser aerosol-fluorescence lidar intended for the detection of contaminants of biogenic origin in the atmosphere. The transmitter is enabled to function at two strongly differing wavelengths by choosing optical materials that operate in the UV and IR regions, and that in combination minimize the spherical and chromatic aberrations. The fabricated transmitter made it possible to reduce the divergence of the laser radiation at wavelengths 1.064 and 0.266 µm by more than a factor of 7, thus ensuring that it can operate without refocusing.
fluorescent lidar, transmitter of laser radiation, dilator of a laser bunch
OCIS codes: 010.3640, 010.3310
References:1. S. A. Rodionov, Principles of Optics (GITMO (TU), St. Petersburg, 2000).
2. http://www.zemax.com.
3. N. P. Zakaznov, S. I. Kiryushin, and V. I. Kuzichev, The Theory of Optical Systems (Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1992).
4. G. P. Kokhanenko, M. M. Makogon, Yu. N. Ponomarev, O. A. Rynkov, and G. V. Simonova, “Achromatic laser-beam expander for the UV and IR regions of the spectrum,” Russian Patent No. 89 727 (2009).