УДК: 535.317
Study of methods for discretizing a source when modelling a photolithographic image
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Иванова Т.В., Зуева Л.В. Исследование способов дискретизации источника при моделировании фотолитографического изображения // Оптический журнал. 2012. Т. 79. № 5. С. 48–52.
Ivanova T. V., Zueva L. V. Study of methods for discretizing a source when modelling a photolithographic image [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2012. V. 79. № 5. P. 48–52.
There are two methods for discretizing the source when the formation of a photolithographic image is modelled in terms of the Abbe model: This can be done using a rectangular grid with various discretization steps, or with radial placement of the points on a rectangular grid with various steps along a radius and along the arc length between the points. It is shown that the use of a radial distribution of the points significantly speeds up the computation process, with the modelling accuracy being mainly determined by the step along the radius.
photolithography, Abbe model, source sampling
OCIS codes: 110.1758, 110.2990, 110.1650, 110.3960, 110.5220
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