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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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УДК: 535.62 535.65

Modelling a multicomponent radiation source with controllable chromaticity

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Горбунова Е.В., Перетягин В.С., Чертов А.Н. Моделирование многокомпонентного источника излучения с управляемой цветностью  //  Оптический журнал. 2013. Т. 80. № 12. С. 65–69.


Gorbunova E. V., Peretyagin V. S., Chertov A. N. Modelling a multicomponent radiation source with controllable chromaticity [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2013. V. 80. № 12. P. 65–69.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

E. V. Gorbunova, V. S. Peretyagin, and A. N. Chertov, "Modelling a multicomponent radiation source with controllable chromaticity," Journal of Optical Technology. 80(12), 765-768 (2013).


This paper is devoted to a mathematical description of a multielement radiation source with controllable chromaticity. The shape of the spatial irradiance distribution at a given distance from the source is determined in the proposed model by the number and relative placement of its elements, by the functions that describe the optical characteristics of the elements, and by the distance from the multielement source to the analysis zone (a screen, the working zone, etc.). A combination of the distributions of three color components—red, green, and blue—is used to model the radiation source, which includes emitting elements with various radiation spectra, and to obtain a model of the color diagram in the analysis zone.


multicomponent source, color, color source

OCIS codes: 230.0250, 230.2090, 230.6080


1. E. A. Kirillov, Chromatology. A Textbook for Colleges (Legprombytizdat, Moscow, 1990).
2. E. V. Gorbunova, V. S. Peretyagin, and A. N. Chertov, “Organization of the illumination of the working zone of optoelectronic systems of color analysis for industrial purposes,” Nauch. Tekhnich. Vest. SPbGU ITMO No. 3 (73), 140 (2011).
3. E. V. Gorbunova, Yu O. Lashmanov, and V. S. Peretyagin, “Multielement color source of radiation,” Nauch. Tekhnich. Vest. SPbGU ITMO No. 5 (81), 154 (2012).
4. A. N. Chertov, E. V. Gorbunova, V. V. Korotaev, V. S. Peretyagin, and M. G. Serikova, “Simulation of the multicomponent radiation source with the required irradiance and color distribution on the flat illuminated surface,” Proc. SPIE 8429, 84290D (2012).
5. E. V. Gorbunova, V. S. Peretyagin, and A. N. Chertov, “Automated hardware-software system for LED’s verification and certification,” Proc. SPIE 8788, 87883Q (2013).