УДК: 681.4.07
Technique for structurally analyzing the designs of lens-mirror systems of optical devices
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Бурбаев А.М., Леонтьева А.И. Методика структурного анализа конструкций линзово-зеркальных систем оптических приборов // Оптический журнал. 2013. Т. 80. № 12. С. 87–92.
Burbaev, A. M.; Leont’eva, A. I. Technique for structurally analyzing the designs of lens-mirror systems of optical devices [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2013. V. 80. № 12. P. 87–92.
This paper presents the main aspects of a proposed technique for structurally analyzing the designs of optical systems that contain lens components separated by mirrors or prisms that perform layout or other functions, so that it is much harder to center these systems. A table is developed that makes it easy to carry out such an analysis and simultaneously helps to establish the baselines and requirements for the relative placement of the surfaces that determine the centering of the design elements and to determine the adjustments and the sequence of adjustment operations.
alignment of lens components, basing and bases, alignment, alignment movements, components of alignment (de-alignment) errors
OCIS codes: 350.4600
References:1. A. M. Burbaev, Optimizing the Processability of the Designs of Optical Devices. A Textbook (SPbGU ITMO, St. Petersburg, 2004).
2. G. V. Pogarev, The Adjustment of Optical Devices (Mashinostroenie, Leningrad, 1982).
3. A. M. Burbaev, “Methods of monitoring the centering of a flat mirror in a convergent ray path,” Opt. Mekh. Prom. No. 4, 47 (1975) [Sov. J. Opt. Technol. 42, 221 (1975)].
4. A. M. Burbaev, “Methods and facilities for shop control of the installation of flat mirrors and prisms in convergent pencils of rays,” Opt. Mekh. Prom. No. 5, 52 (1977) [Sov. J. Opt. Technol. 44, 298 (1977)].