УДК: 616.13.002.2-004.6
Thermography and ultrasound in the evaluation of smoking as a risk factor of cardiovascular pathology
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Стулин И.Д., Гуревич К.Г., Солонский Д.С., Мусин Р.С., Мнушкин А.О., Сазонова А.Г., Лочан Н.В., Лысейко Н.В., Мацкеплишвили М.Т., Труханов С.А., Кощеев А.В., Селезнев Ф.А., Стулина Д.Д. Термография и ультразвук в оценке курения как фактора риска сердечно-сосудистой патологии // Оптический журнал. 2013. Т. 80. № 6. С. 68–72.
Stulin I.D., Gurevich K.G., Solonskiy D.S., Musin R.S., Mnushkin A.O., Sazonova A.G., Lochan N.V., Lyseyko N.V., Matskeplishvili M.T., Trukhanov S.A., Koshcheev A.V., Seleznev F.A., Stilina D.D. Thermography and ultrasound in the evaluation of smoking as a risk factor of cardiovascular pathology [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2013. V. 80. № 6. P. 68–72.
I. D. Stulin, K. G. Gurevich, D. S. Solonskiĭ, R. S. Musin, A. O. Mnushkin, A. G. Sazonova, N. V. Lochan, N. V. Lyseĭko, M. T. Matskeplishvili, S. A. Trukhanov, A. V. Koshcheev, F. A. Seleznev, and D. D. Stulina, "Thermography and ultrasound in the evaluation of smoking as a risk factor of cardiovascular pathology," Journal of Optical Technology. 80(6), 379-381 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.80.000379
This paper is devoted to a study of the vasospastic and atherogenic effects of nicotine. One hundred twenty students were examined, half of which had been smokers for more than two years. Telethermography, ultrasound dopplerography, and duplex scanning were carried out on volunteers. It is shown that smoking has distinct vasospastic and atherogenetic effects. This article also discusses the prospects of a more extensive two-stage catamnestic investigation.
atherosclerosis, smoking, thermography, telethermography, ultrasound dopplerography, duplex scanning
OCIS codes: 110.3080, 170.7180, 170.3880
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