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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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УДК: 535.43, 004.9

Method of determining the skewness of the weft thread in fabric

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Шляхтенко П.Г., Кофнов О.В., Сухарев П.А. Метод определения перекоса уточной нити в ткани // Оптический журнал. 2014. Т. 81. № 2. С. 76–79.


Shlyakhtenko P.G., Kofnov O.V., Sukharev P.A. Method of determining the skewness of the weft thread in fabric [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2014. V. 81. № 2. P. 76–79.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

P. G. Shlyakhtenko, O. V. Kofnov, and P. A. Sukharev, "Method of determining the skewness of the weft thread in fabric," Journal of Optical Technology. 81(2), 111-113 (2014).


A method is proposed for determining the skewness of the weft thread relative to the warp thread of textile fabrics, using the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern, which can be obtained either by an instrumental method on the appropriate apparatus or by a calculational method using digital microphotography of the sample by means of a two-dimensional Fourier-transformation program. The digital image of the diffraction pattern is analyzed by means of a special computer program that constructs an angular diagram of the intensity distribution of the diffraction maxima. The size of the angle of interest between the weft thread and the warp thread of the test sample is judged from the angle measured between the directions to the maxima in this diagram.


surface microimages, fabrics, Fraunhofer diffraction, Fourier transformation, angular diagram of intensity distribution

OCIS codes: 050.1940; 110.2960; 070.0070


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4. P. A. Sukharev, P. Shlyakhtenko, A. Rudin, and O. V. Kofnov, “Noninstrumental method of computerized Fourier image analysis of a surface to monitor the parameters of textile materials,” in Collection of Materials of the Reports of the All-Russia Scientific and Technical Conference on Modern Trends in the Development of Information Technologies in Textile Science and Practice, Dimitrovgrad, 2012, pp. 4–7.