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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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УДК: 621.921, 621.923

New diamond tool for processing optical materials

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Кондратенко В.С., Гиндин П.Д., Бурляй Д.А., Кобыш А.Н., Рогов А.Ю., Кондратенко Е.В., Сакуненко Ю.И., Бобков А.В. Новый алмазный инструмент для обработки оптических материалов // Оптический журнал. 2017. Т. 84. № 6. С. 54–57.


Kondratenko V.S., Gindin P.D., Burlyai D.A., Kobysh A.N., Rogov A.Yu., Kondratenko E.V., Sakunenko Yu.I., Bobkov A.V. New diamond tool for processing optical materials [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2017. V. 84. № 6. P. 54–57.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

V. S. Kondratenko, P. D. Gindin, D. A. Burlyaĭ, A. N. Kobysh, A. Yu. Rogov, E. V. Kondratenko, Yu. I. Sakunenko, and A. V. Bobkov, "New diamond tool for processing optical materials," Journal of Optical Technology. 84(6), 404-407 (2017).


This study addresses new possibilities for processing optical materials using an abrasive diamond tool based on thermally conductive polymer composites. It also presents a new type of lubricant-cooling liquid based on strongly alkaline water.


thermally conductive polymer composites, sapphire, glass, grinding, polishing, lubricant-cooling liquid, strongly alkaline water

OCIS codes: 220.1920; 220.5450


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3. V. S. Kondratenko, Yu. I. Sakunenko, and A. Krivatkin, “Thermally conductive plastics: a new challenge to metals,” Plastics (1–2), 28–31 (2014).
4. V. S. Kondratenko, Yu. I. Sakunenko, A. N. Kobysh, D. A. Burlyaı˘, and V. V. Styran, “Development of equipment and rigging for manufacturing abrasive diamond elements based on thermally conductive polymer composites,” in Collection of Scientific Works of the International Scientific-Technical Conference IVT (2015), pp. 79–81.
5. V. S. Kondratenko, Yu. I. Sakunenko, and D. A. Burlyaı˘, “Abrasive diamond element based on thermally conductive polymer composites,” in Collection of Scientific Works of the International Scientific-Technical Conference IVT (2016), pp. 69–72.
6. V. S. Kondratenko and N. I. Kobysh, “Lubricating cooling liquid for machining glass and other materials,” Russian patent 2475522 (2013).
7. V. S. Kondratenko, A. N. Kobysh, and D. A. Burlyaı˘, “Application of nano ion water for the manufacture of LCL,” in Collection of Scientific Works of the All-Russia Scientific-Technical Conference Optotech (2016), pp. 119–121.