УДК: 535-14, 535.51
Numerical simulation of the parameters of terahertz polarizers on a silicon substrate
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Чеботарёв В.С., Соловьев А.Н., Трофимов А.Д., Ходзицкий М.К. Численное моделирование параметров терагерцовых поляризаторов на кремниевой подложке // Оптический журнал. 2017. Т. 84. № 8. С. 27–29.
Chebotarev V.S., Soloviev A.N., Trofimov A.D., Khodzitskiy M.K. Numerical simulation of the parameters of terahertz polarizers on a silicon substrate [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2017. V. 84. № 8. P. 27–29.
V. S. Chebotarev, A. N. Solov’ev, A. D. Trofimov, and M. K. Khodzitskiĭ, "Numerical simulation of the parameters of terahertz polarizers on a silicon substrate," Journal of Optical Technology. 84(8), 525-527 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.84.000525
In this study, single- and multilayer polarizers for terahertz radiation from a metal grid on a silicon substrate are analyzed through numerical simulation. Several variants of the polarizer design and the dependences of the polarizer characteristics on its design are obtained. The effects of the grid pitch, number of layers, and their mutual arrangement on the extinction coefficients and losses of the polarizer are numerically analyzed for the first time for choosing the optimal fabrication technology.
terahertz polarizers, multilayer polarizers, grid polarizers
Acknowledgements:The research was supported by the leading universities of the Russian Federation (074-U01).
OCIS codes: 230.5440, 310.4165, 310.6805
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