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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2018-85-11-81-89

УДК: 535.34, 535.016, 532.6

Surface modification of materials using laser-oriented nanostructuring

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Каманина Н.В., Лихоманова С.В., Зубцова Ю.А., Кужаков П.В., Зимнухов М.А., Васильев П.Я., Студёнов В.И. Модификация поверхности материалов при использовании лазерного метода ориентированного наноструктурирования // Оптический журнал. 2018. Т. 85. № 11. С. 81–89.


Kamanina N.V., Likhomanova S.V., Zubtsova Yu.A., Kuzhakov P.V., Zimnukhov M.A., Vasiliev P.Ya., Studenov V.I. Surface modification of materials using laser-oriented nanostructuring [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2018. V. 85. № 11. P. 81–89.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

N. V. Kamanina, S. V. Likhomanova, Yu. A. Zubtsova, P. V. Kuzhakov, M. A. Zimnukhov, P. Ya. Vasil’ev, and V. I. Studenov, "Surface modification of materials using laser-oriented nanostructuring," Journal of Optical Technology. 85(11), 722-728 (2018).


The possibilities of modifying a number of physicochemical properties of the surface of a large group of materials, mainly inorganic optical materials, are considered when performing laser deposition of carbon nanotubes oriented in an electric field with varying strength on the surface of the studied structures. The focus is on the properties of carbon nanotubes such as their low refractive index and high strength. Experimental results are presented, supported by simulations based on molecular dynamics models. Expansion of the field of application of structured materials in spectroscopy, display, laser, and biomedical technology, as well as the aircraft and automotive industries is predicted.




The research was supported by the Russian Federation Basic Research (10-03-00916 (2010–2012), 13-03-00044 (2013–2015)); Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Program, Marie Curie International Researchers Exchange Proposal “BIOMOLEC” (2011–2015); National Technological Base Federal Target Program of the project Nanocoating-GOI (2012–2015); Russian-Israeli Adaptation project (2017). Part of the results were presented at the conferences “Applied Optics-2016” (St. Petersburg, November 2016), “GEO-Siberia-2017” (Novosibirsk, April 2017), and RAD-2017 (Serbia-Montenegro) and at seminars at the Petersburg Institute for Nuclear Physics (PIYaF)—Kurchatov Institute (October 2018). The authors are deeply grateful to their colleagues at AO S. I. Vavilov GOI for a thorough discussion of the results and also express their gratitude to Cand. Phys.-Mat. Sciences S. V. Serov for his help in the design of drawings when converting software to the Russian standard. The authors are grateful to D. G. Kvashnin (N. M. Emanuel Institute for Biochemical Physics, RAS, MISiS National Research Technological University) and P. B. Sorokin (Technological Institute for Superhard and New Carbon Materials) for their help in carrying out quantum chemical calculations and supporting the experimental research.


structuring, inorganic materials, laser deposition of oriented carbon nanotubes, spectra, refraction, transmission, microhardness, wetting angle

OCIS codes: 160.4760, 300.6170, 230.3720


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