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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2020-87-02-82-87

УДК: 53.06, 53.08:535.8, 691.3, 699.8

Application of fiber optic light guides with quartz core and cladding and plastic coating as indicators of the emergence of cracks in brickwork

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Уртадо де Мендоса-Лопес А., Хотяинцев С., Гузман-Ольгин Г.Х., Эрнандес-Рейес Д.А., Лопес-Мансера Х.А., Зуньига-Браво М.А. Применение волоконных световодов с сердечником и оболочкой из кварца и покрытием из пластика в качестве индикаторов появления трещин в кирпичной кладке // Оптический журнал. 2020. Т. 87. № 2. С. 82–87.


Hurtado de Mendoza-Lopez A., Khotyaintsev S., Guzman-Olguin H.J., Hernandez Reyes D.A., Lopez-Mancera J.A., Zuñiga-Bravo M.A. Application of fiber optic light guides with quartz core and cladding and plastic coating as indicators of the emergence of cracks in brickwork [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2020. V. 87. № 2. P. 82–87.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

A. Hurtado de Mendoza-Lopez, S. Khotiaintsev, H. J. Guzman-Olguin, D. A. Hernandez Reyes, J. A. Lopez-Mancera, and M. A. Zuñiga-Bravo, "Application of fiber optic light guides with quartz core and cladding and plastic coating as indicators of the emergence of cracks in brickwork," Journal of Optical Technology. 87(2), 132-136 (2020).


Fiber optic light guides can be used as indicators (witness devices) of the emergence of cracks in masonry composed of construction-grade ceramic bricks. In this study, we experimentally investigated the relationship between the type and size of the fiber optic light guide and the size of the crack opening that caused fiber breakage by physically modeling a crack opening on a special stand. Two sizes of multimode fiber optic light guides with quartz core and cladding and poly(methyl methacrylate) (acrylic) coating were studied in detail. The results are useful for the practical implementation of the proposed method in automatic optoelectronic crack detection systems for brick buildings and structures.


fiber optic light guides, optical fibers, fiber-optic sensors, building structures, brickwork crack


The research was supported by Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (DGAPA—PAPIIT IT101618).

OCIS codes: 120.0120, 060.2370, 060.2400


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