DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2020-87-06-43-50
УДК: 528.8.04
Modified method of orthogonal projection for object recognition in multispectral analysis
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Герус А.В., Панова О.Ю., Саворский В.П. Модифицированный метод ортогональной проекции для выявления объектов в многоспектральном анализе // Оптический журнал. 2020. Т. 87. № 6. С. 43–50.
Gerus A.V., Panova O.Yu., Savorskiĭ V.P. Modified method of orthogonal projection for object recognition in multispectral analysis [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2020. Т. 87. № 6. С. 43–50.
A method for recognition of objects with undefined shapes is proposed for use in multispectral analysis. The method involves an orthogonalization procedure in an extended multidimensional spectral range along with separate utilization of information on object brightness. An optimization procedure is performed to reduce the numbers of two types of recognition errors. This method demonstrated a substantial advantage in terms of precision of recognition over the least square method, on which most recognition methods are based.
orthogonal projection, variability, extended multidimensional space, visible range, infrared range
OCIS codes: 280.4991, 280.4788, 280.4750
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