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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2020-87-07-41-48

УДК: 535.417, 535.317, 778.38

Influence of the structure of the object beam on the quality of images reconstructed using a synthesized Fresnel hologram-projector

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Корешев С.Н., Смородинов Д.С., Старовойтов С.О., Фролова М.А. Влияние структуры объектного пучка на качество изображения, восстанавливаемого с помощью синтезированной голограммы-проектора Френеля // Оптический журнал. 2020. Т. 87. № 7. С. 41–48.

  Koreshev S.N., Smorodinov D.S., Starovoitov S.O., Frolova M.A. Influence of the structure of the object beam on the quality of images reconstructed using a synthesized Fresnel hologram-projector [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2020. V. 87. № 7. P. 41–48.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):
S. N. Koreshev, D. S. Smorodinov, S. O. Starovoitov, and M. A. Frolova, "Influence of the structure of the object beam on the quality of images reconstructed using a synthesized Fresnel hologram-projector," Journal of Optical Technology. 87(7), 417-421 (2020).

The influence of the phase distribution over the object plane on the quality of reconstructed images is investigated in the context of synthesizing hologram-projectors for two-dimensional binary transparencies. The best image quality, estimated by both the number of possible thresholding levels and the depth of field of the reconstructed image, was achieved using the phase distribution corresponding to the irradiation of an object transparency by a homocentric beam convergent at the center of the synthesized hologram aperture. A numerical simulation demonstrates that the enhancement of the reconstructed image quality occurs when the object is illuminated with a convergent beam irrespective of the object sampling period used to synthesize the hologram. Recommendations on the choice of parameters for the synthesis of hologram-projectors are provided herein.



synthesized holograms, telecentric ray travel, converging beam, holograms, photolithography depicting properties of

OCIS codes: 090.0090


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