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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2022-89-12-82-89

УДК: 535.015, 535.32

Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) optical films and their applications in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Котликов Е.Н., Лавровская Н.П., Тихомир Колев Тенев, Илко Кирилов Милушев. Исследование и применение оптических плёнок оксида алюминия Al2O3 в ультрафиолетовом диапазоне спектра // Оптический журнал. 2022. Т. 89. № 12. С. 82–89.


Kotlikov E.N., Lavrovskaya N.P., Tenev T.K., Milushev I.K. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) optical films and their applications in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2022. V. 89. № 12. P. 82–89.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

E. N. Kotlikov, N. P. Lavrovskaya, T. K. Tenev, and I. K. Milushev, "Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) optical films and their applications in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum," Journal of Optical Technology. 89(12), 752-756 (2022).


Subject of study. We describe the results of a study of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) optical films on a quartz substrate in the ultraviolet and visible regions of the spectrum. Aim of study. The optical constants of the films were measured spectrophotometrically based on the reflection and transmission spectra. Methods. Absorption was taken into account using what we believe to be a novel method for correcting film spectra. Main results. The absorption spectra were used to determine the extinction coefficients of the films, and the absorption-free spectra in the 0.25–0.85 µm region were used to determine the indices of refraction. Practical significance. The resulting constants were used in the design and fabrication of high-reflectivity mirrors for use in the ultraviolet at 0.22–0.23 µm.


optical films, spectra, reflection, transmission, absorption, refractive index, extinction coefficient, synthesis, ultraviolet mirrors


The research was carried out within the grant No. КП-06-Н57/5 of 16.11.2021 of Academy of sciences of Bulgaria and grant of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation No. FSFR-2020-0004.

OCIS codes: 120.01 20; 300.0300; 310.0310


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