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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2022-89-04-03-11

УДК: 535.016

Effective collinear interaction of radiation with a traveling refractive index grating in electro-optical waveguides in lithium niobate

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Герасименко Н.Д., Герасименко В.С., Петров В.М. Эффективное коллинеарное взаимодействие излучения с бегущей решёткой показателя преломления в электрооптических волноводах в ниобате лития // Оптический журнал. 2022. Т. 89. № 4. С. 3–11.


Gerasimenko N.D., Gerasimenko V.S., Petrov V.M. Effective collinear interaction of radiation with a traveling refractive index grating in electro-optical waveguides in lithium niobate [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2022. V.89. № 4. P. 3–11.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

N. D. Gerasimenko, V. S. Gerasimenko, and V. M. Petrov, "Effective collinear interaction of radiation with a traveling refractive index grating in electro-optical waveguides in lithium niobate," Journal of Optical Technology. 89(4), 191-196 (2022).


Subject of study. The electrical properties of traveling wave electrodes positioned on a lithium niobate surface are investigated in this study. Method. The investigation methods included the analytical calculation, numerical modeling, and experimental investigation of the amplitude–frequency response and spectra of collinear interaction at the wavelength of 1552 nm. Main results. We demonstrated that traveling wave electrodes with a refractive index close to the refractive index of the optical waveguide should be used when grating periods are shorter than the length of the interaction area. Moreover, in the case of an exact match of the refractive indices, the minimum grating period is mostly limited by frequency-dependent signal attenuation in the electrodes. The effective phase modulation of light at the wavelength of 1552 nm by an electric signal in the band up to 40 GHz was demonstrated. Practical significance. This study determines the parameters of integrated optical circuits, which allow the fabrication of highly effective phase and amplitude light modulators.


travelling gratings of refractive index, phase modulation of light with ultra-high frequency, diffraction optical elements

OCIS codes: 230.4110, 130.4110, 060.5565, 060.4080


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