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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2023-90-10-24-34

УДК: 544.531:667.28

Mathematical model for estimating the characteristics of a layered solid-state dye laser with optical pumping of the active environment

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Поляков В.Е., Емельянов А.В., Широбоков В.В., Михайлов А.А. Математическая модель оценивания характеристик слоистого твердотельного лазера на красителях с оптической накачкой активной среды // Оптический журнал. 2023. Т. 90. № 10. С. 24–34.­-5086­-2023-­90-­10­-24­-34


Polyakov V.E., Emel’yanov A.V., Shirobokov V.V., Mikhailov A.A. Mathematical model for estimating the characteristics of a layered solid­state dye laser with optical pumping of the active environment [In Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2023. V. 90. № 10. P. 24–34.­5086­2023­90­10­24­34


For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

V. E. Polyakov, A. V. Emel’yanov, V. V. Shirobokov, and A. A. Mikhailov, "Mathematical model for estimating the characteristics of a layered solid-state dye laser with optical pumping of the active environment," Journal of Optical Technology. 90(10), 575-581 (2023).


Subject of study. The paper investigates the approaches to the evaluation of engineering design and energy characteristics of a new type of laser systems in the form of volumetric cylindrical and spherical shells (layered solid­state lasers). Aim of study. Development of a model for evaluating the characteristics of a layered solid­state laser containing active media in various aggregate states. Method. The well­known Gaussian beam model was used to describe the structure of the field of the light beam formed in the resonator and to determine the aperture of the mirrors of the generating laser module. To calculate the output characteristics of a layered laser module, the method of solving a classical system of balanced equations for a four­level active medium was used. Main results. A new method of designing laser systems in the form of volumetric cylindrical and spherical shells, sectioned by laser modules touching the side surfaces, is proposed. The resonator­optical and laser­dynamic characteristics of the layered laser module are calculated, as a result of which the values of the geometric characteristics of the resonator and the optical elements of the module, peak values of the power of the generation and pumping pulses for cases when the pumping sources are filled with nitrogen or argon are obtained. Practical significance. By changing the initial data on the number of layers and their thickness the developed mathematical model allows  to calculate both the structure of the light beam in the resonator and the generation characteristics of the gas and solid­state modules separately, as well as when combining them (in the case of alternating solid layers of the active medium and gas layers of pumping sources).


layered laser module, the optical pumping, the active environment

OCIS codes: 140.3580

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