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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2023-90-03-05-15

УДК: 666.11+546.22+535.8

Resolution ability of inorganic chalcogenide resist for hologram recording

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Михайлов М.Д., Белых А.В., Юсупов И.Ю. Разрешающая способность неорганического халькогенидного резиста при записи голограмм // Оптический журнал. 2023. Т. 90. № 3. С. 5–15.


Mikhailov M.D., Belykh A.V., Yusupov I.Yu. Resolution ability of inorganic chalcogenide resist for hologram recording [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2023. V. 90. № 3. P. 5–15.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

M. D. Mikhailov, A. V. Belykh, and I. Yu. Yusupov, "Resolution ability of inorganic chalcogenide resists for hologram recording," Journal of Optical Technology. 90(3), 107-113 (2023).


Subject of research. Peculiarity of inorganic photoresists properties based on the chalcogenide glasses thin films. Objective. The thin films etching processes study and comparison between calculation results and experimental data for the relief shape of relief phase hologram gratings and secure holograms. Method. The As-S-Se system thin films were obtained by relief phase thermal evaporation in vacuum. Films exposure has been done by light with wavelength 380, 436, and 488 nm. Films dissolution rate in amine solutions was measured by interferometric method at wavelength 650 nm. Main results. The developed compositions of chalcogenide photoresists and their application technology are used for relief phase holograms recording – diffraction gratings and optical guard elements. When recording high-frequency structures with a groove frequency above 2000 mm–1, a seeming decrease in resolution is observed when exposed to low-intensity radiation. It is found that mismatching between expected relief shape and experimentally obtained one can be explained by diffusion of excited electron states from irradiated areas into dark ones during exposure. This effect lets us recording holograms unto multilayer structures consisting of chalcogenide layers with different compositions and also different photosensitivity. As an example, with the use of chalcogenide photoresist properties peculiarity it is possible to obtain multilayer relief structures, to enable color images in zero order of diffraction. Practical value. The use of chalcogenide glasses photosensitive films for recording the diffraction gratings allows to manufacture optical elements of large size. Electron-hole pairs diffusion effect allows to record replicable relief phase elements with color images in zero order of diffraction.


Acknowledgment: the authors are grateful to their colleagues who made a significant contribution to the presented work results: R.R. Gerke, A.D. Galpern, T.G. Dubrovina, A.A. Paramonov, S.S. Sementsov.


inorganic photoresist, arsenic sulfide, arsenic selenide, resolution ability, diffraction gratings, relief phase holograms

OCIS codes: 160.2750, 310.6870, 090.2890, 050.1950


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