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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-10-68-79

УДК: 535.349; 57.022

The effect of the products of vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of water on the survival of microorganisms

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

 Зверева Г.Н., Кирцидели И.Ю. Влияние продуктов вакуумного ультрафиолетового фотолиза воды на выживаемость микроорганизмов // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 10. С. 68–79.


Zvereva G.N., Kirtsideli I.Yu. The effect of the products of vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of water on the survival of microorganisms [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 10. P. 68–79.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

Subject of study. The indirect mechanism of the effect of vacuum ultraviolet radiation on the survival of microorganisms was studied. Aim of study. Comparison of the effectiveness of the impact of reactive products of vacuum ultraviolet ( Δλ = 166–182 nm) photolysis of water, acting from outside and inside the biological cell. Determining the degree of change in the spectrum of vacuum ultraviolet radiation when passing micron-thick layers of water and finding the concentrations of photolysis products formed during this process. Method. During the research, microscopic fungi Rhodotorula colostri (dry and covered with a water layer) were irradiated with vacuum ultraviolet irradiation of xenon excimer lamps. The spectral composition of vacuum ultraviolet radiation and its change during the passage of water layers was found experimentally and by calculation. The concentration of water photolysis products was determined by numerical simulation. The survival of microorganisms was assessed by colony counting, influence of reactive products of photolysis of intracellular water was assessed by adding antioxidants to the nutrient medium. Main results. When irradiated through a layer of water, the survival probability of microorganisms increased by an average of 60% in the case of spores not containing antioxidants and by 40% in the case of spores with antioxidants compared to dry spores. This increase can be explained by a decrease in the photochemical activity of radiation due to the absorption of the short-wavelenght part of spectrum and a less effect of reactive photolysis products from outside than from inside. It is shown, that when passing through a water layer with a thickness d > 1 μm, the short-wavelength wing λ < 170 nm of the xenon excimers emission band is absorbed. It was found that the main reactive products of vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of water are H2O2, HO2
, ·OH with concentrations of the order of 1014 cm–3. Practical significance. The results obtained in the work can be used in disinfection technologies, using short-wave ultraviolet radiation, and in solving problems of space biology.


vacuum ultraviolet radiation, water photolysis, microscopic fungi, reactive oxygen species (ROS), ·OH radical, DNA, astrobiology


the authors are grateful to the S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute for the opportunity to use spectral equipment and vacuum ultraviolet light sources, the biological part of the work was carried out within the framework of a state assignment in accordance with the thematic plan of the BIN RAS on topic № AAAA-A19-119020890079-6, part of the work was performed on the equipment of the Center for Common Use “Cellular and Molecular technologies for studying plants and fungi" Botanical Institute named after. V.L. Komarova RAS.

OCIS codes: 260.5130; 260.7210;170.1420


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