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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

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Opticheskii Zhurnal

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-03-62-78

УДК: 535.8 004.93

Neural-network-based methods in digital and computer-generated holography. А review

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Черёмхин П.А., Рымов Д.А., Свистунов А.С., Злоказов Е.Ю., Стариков Р.С. Нейросетевые методы в цифровой и компьютерной голографии. Обзор // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 3. С. 62–78.


Cheremkhin P.A., Rymov D.A., Svistunov A.S., Zlokazov E.Yu., Starikov R.S. Neural-network-based methods in digital and computer-generated holography. А review [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 3. P. 62–78.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

Subject of study. An overview of modern neural-network-based methods for digital and computer-generated holography. Relevant works on phase and amplitude reconstruction, media characterization, phase unwrapping, computer hologram generation and other topics were discussed. Aim of study. Modern neural-network-based methods for digital and computer-generated holography are investigated. Method. The methods discussed in this review are based on neural-networks and are developed for particular tasks in the field of holography. Training dataset for supervised learning usually contains a set of input images (digital holograms, wrapped phase, 3D scenes, etc.) and a set of target images (reconstructed scenes, unwrapped phase, 3D holograms, etc.) the network is supposed to learn to generate from the input images during training. In case of unsupervised learning, there is no need to prepare a set of target images, the training is based only on the input images and the transformations applied to them. Main results. An overview of the applications of neural networks in the field of holography is provided. The main focus is on the state-of-the-art works. Neural network architectures most commonly used in holography are discussed. Cited works are organized based on the particular applications. The most important results and achievements of neural-network-based methods for digital and computer-generated holography are discussed. Practical significance. This review may interest the researchers specializing in holography or adjacent fields. This review will familiarize the readers with the modern neural-network-based methods used in computer hologram generation, holographic image reconstruction as well as the particulars of their practical application. The data presented in this review demonstrates, that in some cases the use of neural-network-based methods can provide advantages in speed and/or quality when compared against conventional methods.


laser-induced periodic surface structures, laser-induced backward transfer, color laser marking, structural colors


this work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant № 23-12-00336

OCIS codes: 090.1995, 110.4280, 230.5160, 090.1760


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