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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-06-78-86

УДК: 535.93

Integrated optical waveguides for quantum photon gates at a wavelength of 810 nm

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Петров В.М., Парфенов М.В., Тронев А.В., Решетников Д.Д., Ильичев И.В. Интегрально-оптические волноводы для квантовых фотонных гейтов на длине волны 810 нм // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 6. С. 78–86.


Petrov V.M., Parfenov M.V., Tronev A.V., Reshetnikov D.D., Il’ichev I.V. Integrated optical waveguides for quantum photon gates at a wavelength of 810 nm [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 6. P. 78–86.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

Subject of the study. The article investigated optical losses for waveguides designed to create quantum photon gates at a wavelength of 810 nm. Aim of study. Creation of integrated optical single-mode waveguides for quantum photon gates at a wavelength of 810 nm; estimation of optical losses acceptable to maintain the necessary degree of entanglement of a pair of photons. Method. The waveguides were manufactured by thermal diffusion of titanium ions into a substrate, which is an X-slice of nominally pure lithium niobate LiNbO3. The optical loss is estimated by experimentally measuring the loss level per unit waveguide length. Optical radiation was coupled into and out of the waveguide using fiber segments, one end of which was with a connector, and the other ended with a simple cleaving. A drop of immersion liquid was added between the fiber cleavage and the end of the waveguide. Measurements were carried out for both polarizations. Main results. Six groups of samples were produced. In each group there were samples with strip widths d = 3,0, 2,0 and 1,5 microns. The results of measuring optical losses in manufactured waveguides are presented. It was found out that waveguides made with the width of the titanium strip used   d ≈ 3 microns have minimal losses. According to our estimates, the minimum losses were approximately 0,20–0,25 dB/cm for transverse magnetic polarization, and 0,1 dB/cm for transverse electric polarization. Practical significance. Manufactured waveguides with a strip width of d ≈ 3 microns can potentially be used to create quantum photonic gates in an integrated optical design. The chosen wavelength of 810 nm will allow us to start developing photonic gates based on the proposed waveguides
in the near future, since one of the most accessible ways to create pairs of entangled photons, from the experimental point of view, is to use a laser at a wavelength of 405 nm, followed by doubling the wavelength using a nonlinear beta barium borate crystal.


integrated optical waveguides, quantum gates, quantum entanglement in lossy waveguides, quantum communications

the authors express their gratitude to A.V. Shamray for useful advice and discussions that contribute to the preparation of this work.

OCIS codes: 250.4725; 270.5585; 230.3750; 230.3120


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