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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086


Оптический журнал

Полнотекстовый перевод журнала на английский язык издаётся Optica Publishing Group под названием “Journal of Optical Technology“

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Real-time measurement of retardation and fast axis azimuth for wave plates

Ссылка для цитирования:

Chengke Xie, Linglin Zhu, Qiao Yuan, Fanyue Li, Aijun Zeng, Huijie Huang Real-time measurement of retardation and fast axis azimuth for wave plates [на англ. яз.] // Оптический журнал. 2015. Т. 82. № 5. С. 37–41.


Chengke Xie, Linglin Zhu, Qiao Yuan, Fanyue Li, Aijun Zeng, Huijie Huang Real-time measurement of retardation and fast axis azimuth for wave plates [in English] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2015. V. 82. № 5. P. 37–41.

Ссылка на англоязычную версию:

Chengke Xie, Aijun Zeng, Huijie Huang, Linglin Zhu, Qiao Yuan, and Fanyue Li, "Real-time measurement of retardation and fast axis azimuth for wave plates," Journal of Optical Technology. 82(5), 294-297 (2015).


Real-time measurement of retardation and fast axis azimuth of wave plates is proposed. The light emitted from the laser passes through a circular polarizer and the sample successively. Then the beam is diffracted to three sub-beams by a grating. One sub-beam passes through a standard quarter-wave plate and then is split and analyzed by a Wollaston prism. The other two sub-beams are all directly split and analyzed by Wollaston prisms. Six intensities are simultaneously detected to calculate the retardation and the fast axis azimuth. Experiments show that for the quarter-wave plate the average and standard deviation of the retardation are 89.78° and 0.14°, respectively, and the maximum deviation of the fast axis azimuth is 0.6°; for the eighth-wave plate, the average and standard deviation of the retardation are 45.15° and 0.15°, respectively, and the maximum deviation of the fast axis azimuth is 0.53.

Ключевые слова:

real-time measurements, retardation, circular pulverizer, Wollaston prism, standard deviation


Работа выполнена при поддержке Международных программ сотрудничества Китая в области науки и технологий (гранты №№ 2012DFG51590, 2011DFR10010) и Национального научно-технологического проекта Китая (грант № 2011ZX02402).

Коды OCIS: 120.1880; 310.5448; 230.1950; 230.5480

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