DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-07-89-98
УДК: 520.35
Design of a compact long-wavelength infrared inverse telephoto lens
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Батшев В.И., Крюков А.В. Расчет миниатюрного реверсивного телеобъектива тепловизионного диапазона // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 7. С. 89–98.
Batshev V.I., Kryukov A.V. Design of a compact long-wavelength infrared inverse telephoto lens [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 7. P. 89–98.
Vladislav I. Batshev and Alexander V. Kryukov, "Design of a compact long-wave infrared inverse telephoto lens," Journal of Optical Technology. 91(7), 490-495 (2024).
Subject of study. The design of an optical system of a compact long-wavelength infrared multispectral device lens. The aim of study is to design an optical system of a miniature thermal imaging lens of long-wavelength infrared range (8–14 µm) and its synthesis methodology. Method. The proposed solution is based on a combination of compositional and algebraic methods for optical systems synthesis. The lens layout corresponds to inverse telephoto lens and consists of a basic double-cemented lens component and a correction component of two meniscus lens that correct astigmatism and field curvature. Main results. The paper demonstrates the layout and synthesis methodology for a miniature thermal imaging inverse telephoto lens, its design and aberration synthesis. Practical significance. The proposed lens design can be used to create a multispectral thermal imaging system capable to collect spatial-spectral data, which can be useful for environmental monitoring and other applications. Small dimensions of the lens make it possible to use it as part of a compact device mounted on a mobile vehicle.
multispectral camera, thermal imaging lens synthesis, long-wavelength infrared range, long wave infrared range lens
Acknowledgements:the work was carried out within the framework of the State Assignment of the STC UI RAS (project FFNS-2022-0010).
OCIS codes: 110.4234, 110.0110, 110.6820, 120.4820
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