DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2021-88-10-83-89
УДК: 535.37, 549.02
Optical properties of a new decorative stone—rayizite
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Соломонов В.И., Спирина А.В., Попов М.П., Макарова А.С., Николаев А.Г., Орлов А.Н. Оптические свойства нового ювелирно-поделочного камня — райизита // Оптический журнал. 2021. Т. 88. № 10. С. 83–89.
Solomonov V.I., Spirina A.V., Popov M.P., Makarova A.S., Nikolaev A.G., Orlov A.N. Optical properties of a new decorative stone—rayizite [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2021. V. 88. № 10. P. 83–89.
V. I. Solomonov, A. V. Spirina, M. P. Popov, A. S. Makarova, A. G. Nikolaev, and A. N. Orlov, "Optical properties of a new decorative stone—rayizite," Journal of Optical Technology. 88(10), 610-614 (2021).
In this paper, we present the findings of research on absorption spectra, reflection spectra, and luminescence spectra for a new decorative stone—rayizite, which is a mixture of antigorite, dolomite, and a small amount of talc. This stone exhibits the alexandrite effect, and the color is due to chromian antigorite. The Y and U bands in the absorption spectra and the R line at 686.6 nm in the luminescence spectra indicate that Cr3+ ions are present. The emission spectrum also includes the emission of Fe2+ ions at wavelength 615 nm. The band at 650 nm, which becomes active under the action of a pulsed electron beam and does not occur during photoexcitation, is a distinguishing feature. This band belongs to a center associated with emission from nonbridging oxygen. In this paper, we discuss the mechanism for the formation of such luminescence centers.
rayizite, pulsed cathodoluminescence, photoluminescence, absorption, alexandrite effect
Acknowledgements:This work was performed under Government Task Order AAAA-A19-119020790031-5, with partial funding from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 20-08-00018 and with support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under Contract No. 075-15-2020-931 for development of a World-Class Research Center for Rational Development of the World’s Liquid Hydrocarbon Reserves.
OCIS codes: 300.6280, 160.4760
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