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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2021-88-02-20-26

УДК: 53.06

Assessment of fatigue damage of fluoroorganic aircraft glass using digital holography methods

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Юдин Н.Н., Павлов П.В., Зиновьев М.М., Подзывалов С.Н., Дёмин В.В., Половцев И.Г., Кусков И.Э., Вольф И.Э., Евсин А.О., Балашов А.А., Костин А.С. Оценка усталостных повреждений авиационного фторорганического стекла методами цифровой голографии // Оптический журнал. 2021. Т. 88. № 2. С. 20–26.


Yudin N.N., Pavlov P.V., Zinoviev M.M., Podzyvalov S.N., Dyomin V.V., Polovtsev I.G., Kuskov I.E., Volf I.E., Evsin A.O., Balashov A.A., Kostin A.S. Assessment of fatigue damage of fluoroorganic aircraft glass using digital holography methods [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2021. V. 88. № 2. P. 20–26.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

N. N. Yudin, P. V. Pavlov, M. M. Zinov’ev, S. N. Podzyvalov, V. V. Dyomin, I. G. Polovtsev, I. E. Kuskov, I. E. Vol’f, A. O. Evsin, A. A. Balashov, and A. S. Kostin, "Assessment of fatigue damage of fluoroorganic aircraft glass using digital holography methods," Journal of Optical Technology. 88(2), 72-76 (2021).


A digital holography method is proposed for determination of the depth and characteristic size of fatigue damage of fluoroorganic aircraft windows. The ability of this method to determine the characteristic lateral size of surface defects of the aircraft cabin window components with a measurement error of ±15µm and the longitudinal size (depth of the surface defect) with a measurement error of up to ±100µm (for defects with characteristic lateral sizes less than 60 µm) is demonstrated. The investigation and developed model of the digital holographic camera indicate the possibility of developing the method for testing the aircraft cabin window components for surface damage with the required accuracy and estimation of its effects on flight safety.


digital holography, aircraft glass

OCIS codes: 090.0090


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