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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2023-90-09-102-113

УДК: 549.514.51, 620.3, 534.522

Study of nanosized quartz of shungite rocks

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):
Шарпарь Н.Д., Ковальчук А.А., Горюнов А.С., Екимова Т.А., Рожкова Н.Н. Исследование наноразмерного кварца шунгитовых пород // Оптический журнал. 2023. Т. 90. № 9. С. 102–113.   Sharpar N.D., Kovalchuk A.A., Goryunov A.S., Ekimova T.A., Rozhkova N.N. Study of nanosized quartz of shungite rocks [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2023. V. 90. № 9. P. 102–113.    
For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):
N. D. Sharpar, A. A. Kovalchuk, A. S. Goryunov, T. A. Ekimova, and N. N. Rozhkova, "Nanosized quartz of shungite rocks," Journal of Optical Technology. 90(9), 553-559 (2023).

Subject of study. Nanoscale quartz isolated from quartz veins of shungite rocks of Karelia. Aim of study. Preparation and study of quartz nanoparticles from shungite rocks, comparison of their structural and spectral characteristics with the characteristics of natural quartz from traditional deposits to assess the use in optics and biomedicine. Method. The studied samples from the quartz veins cutting shungite rocks and the reference samples were prepared in the same way: crushed, washed, dispersed and centrifuged. Powders and condensates of quartz nanoparticles were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering and scanning electron microscopy. The size of quartz nanoparticles in aqueous dispersion was estimated from dynamic light scattering data. Main results. According to X-ray diffraction analysis, quartz of shungite rocks is classified as a low-temperature a-quartz of tetragonal structure (spatial group P41212) and has a crystallite size (less than 100 nm). The parameters of the crystal lattice and the coherent scattering region of the vein a-quartz of shungite rocks were determined after various treatments of the samples under study (dispersion, water treatment, ultrasound). Quartz nanoparticles are isolated and stabilized in aqueous dispersion. The average size of quartz nanoparticles in aqueous dispersion according to dynamic light scattering data is 158.7 ± 89.8 nm. This coincides with the particle size in the dispersion condensate films obtained by scanning electron microscopy. Comparison of nanoscale quartz of shungite rocks with samples of traditional quartz raw materials by Raman scattering showed that its distinctive feature is the presence of graphene-like carbon and water phases in the samples. Practical significance. The shungite quartz nanoparticles obtained and studied in the work, are a new unconventional source of quartz raw materials. It will find application in nanotechnology materials science for optics, electronics, composite materials production and biomedicine.


vein quartz of shungite rocks, X-ray diffraction analysis, Raman spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, scanning electron microscopy


experimental studies of nanosized quartz were carried out within the framework of the state projects of the Karelian Scientific Center of the RAS FWME-0222-2019-0065 and FMEN-2022-0006 (G.AS.). The study of aqueous dispersions of quartz nanoparticles was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (20-53-04013) and UMNIK (№ 16796GU/2021)

OCIS codes: 040.7480, 160.4236, 160.6030, 170.5660, 170.5810, 310.6860, 310.6870, 350.4990


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