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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-02-122-130

УДК: 621.383

Studies of the level of the internal background of infrared radiation on a photodetector in a cryostat

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Алдохин П.А., Новоселов А.Р., Хрящёв С.В., Добровольский П.П., Шатунов К.П. Исследования разными методами уровня внутреннего фона инфракрасного излучения на фотоприёмнике в криостате // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 2. С. 122–130.


Aldochin P.A., Novoselov A.R., Khryashchev S.V., Dobrovolsky P.P., Shatunov K.P. Studies of the level of the internal background of infrared radiation on a photodetector in a cryostat [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 2. P. 122–130.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):



Subject of study. Two methods for measuring the level of the internal background of infrared radiation (8–12 microns) on a cooled (up to 77K) photodetector with a cooled cylindrical diaphragm in a vacuum cryostat are presented. Aim of study. An effective method for measuring the level of internal background radiance on the photodetector in a cooled vacuum cryostat has been determined. Methodology. The first method is a direct measurement of the internal background radiance by a thermal imaging camera oriented to the surface of the photodetector, and the second method consists in a numerical simulation of the internal background radiance level. Main results. The direct measurement of the level of the photodetector internal background radiation by the thermal imaging camera oriented to the surface of the photodetector has been carried out for the first time. The measurements were carried out by two thermal imaging cameras: uncooled and cooled to the same temperature as the photodetector in the vacuum cryostat with the cylindrical cold diaphragm (77 K). It was found out that the level of the internal background radiation is significantly affected by IR radiation of the thermal imaging camera itself, increasing it. Also, the standard thermal imaging camera lens did not cut off the penetration of external IR radiation into the cryostat under study, where it was reflected from the edge of the diaphragm onto the thermal imaging camera photodetector. Thus, to measure the internal background radiation, it is necessary to use the cooled thermal imaging camera and a special lens that excludes the ingress of the outside IR radiation into the cryostat. Numerical modeling of the internal background radiation is an effective, sensitive to the specified parameters method: reducing the reflection coefficient of the inner surface of the cylindrical diaphragm by 3 times or introducing one internal additional diaphragm (lens hood) into it reduces the internal background radiation by at least 4 times. The method allows us to calculate the spatial distribution of the internal background radiation for different designs and forms of the cold diaphragm. Practical significance. Finding out the level of internal background radiation in the cryostat is necessary to optimize the shape and design of the diaphragm, which provides a minimum level of dark current and noise of photodetectors, and, consequently, the increase of the thermal imager sensitivity.


infrared radiation, internal background radiation, cooled cryostat, cold diaphragm

OCIS codes: 040.1240, 040.1490, 100.0100, 250.0040


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