Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2012. V. 79. № 11.
Image formation, processing and recognition
Vasiliev, V.N., Gurov, I.P., Potapov, A.S.
Modern video informatics: problems and prospectsFisenko V.T., Fisenko T.Y.
Wavelet segmentation of color texture imagesVolynskiy, M.A., Gurov, I.P., Zhukova, E.V.
Recursion algorithms for processing video information in optical-coherence-tomography systemsZhdanov, I.N., Kapliev N.N., Potapov, A.S., Shcherbakov, O.V.
Geometrical normalization of three-dimensional biomedical images for efficient presentation and compression by means of octreesGurov, I.P., Nikiforov V.O., Potapov, A.S., Belashenkov, N.R., Lyamin A.V., Rudin Y.V., Skshidlevskiĭ A.A., Varlamova L.L.
Diagnostic optodigital complex for telemedicineFilatov, V.I.
Image-processing methods on general-purpose graphics processors with parallel architectureZvantsev S.P., Ivanov, P.I., Merzlyutin E.Y.
Digital stabilization of images under conditions of planned movementTsytsulin, A.K., Fakhmi S.S., Mantsvetov, A.A., Malashin D.O., Zubakin I.A.
Stabilization of images on the basis of a measurement of their displacement, using a photodetector array and two linear photodetectors in combinationBerezin V.V., Fakhmi S.S., Tsytsulin, A.K.
Initial design stage of video systems on a chipUmbitaliev А.А., Tsytsulin, A.K., Mantsvetov, A.A., Кozlov V.V., Rychazhnikov А.Е., Baranov, P.S., Ivanova A.V.
-Alymov O.V., Levko G.V.
Photodetector sensors and devices for television and optoelectronic video-information systems