Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2012. V. 79. № 9.
Physical optics
Garnaeva, G.I., Nefediev, L.A., Akhmedshina, E.N.
Formation of a Stark echo when external nonresonance laser fields with spatial inhomogeneity have various relative orientationsKrivtsun A.M., Seteykin, A.Y.
Modelling the propagation of radiation in inhomogeneous media using computations on graphical processorsLaser physics and technique
Koval’chuk L.V., Goryachkin, D.A., Sergeev V.V.
Optimizing the process of generating the second harmonic of the radiation of a TEA CO2 laser in a ZnGeP2 crystalAsanov, S.V., Egorov, M.S., Ignatiev, A.B., Morozov, V.V., Rezunkov, Y.A., Savelyeva V.P., Stepanov, V.V.
Statistical characteristics of the speckle images of a scattered laser beam in the focal plane of a receiver objectiveYashchuk V.P., Zhuravskyi M.V., Prygodiuk O.A.
Establishing the regularities and modelling the diffusion regime of random lasing in strongly scattering mediaBilal, S. M., Zafrullah M., Islam М. К.
Gain Flattening of DWDM Channels for the Entire C & L Bands. Выравнивание усиления в каналах DWDM в полных полосах С и LCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Zverev, V.A., Podgornykh Y.A.
Zverev V. A., Podgornykh Yu. A. Versions of a composite high-aperture mirror objective of compact designIconics - the science of the image
Tishkin V.O., Razina E.V.
Technique for obtaining digital models of sections of the human body, using the Handyscan 3D Revscan and Konica Minolta VI-910 laser 3D scannersOptical instrumentation and technology
Zotova N.V., Karandeshev S.A., Matveev B.A., Remennyĭ M.A., Stus N.M.
Radiation distribution of 3.4-µm immersion LEDs in the far fieldPestov S.M., Tomilin M.G.
Increasing the viewing angles in displays based on liquid crystals. ReviewOptical material science and technology
Kordonskiĭ V.I., Gorodkin S.R.
Magnetorheological polishing of optical surfacesPractical problems of production
Shlyakhtenko, P.G., Nefedov V.P., Vetrova Y.N., Rudin A.E., Sukharev, P.A.
A diffraction method of monitoring the angular distribution of the fibers in the structure of a flat fibrous materialTishchenko S.M., Golota A.F.
Optical materials based on metal oxides for vacuum evaporationLetters to the editor
Kulyasov, V.N., Shilov, V.B., Ermolaeva, G.M.
Narrow-band fluorescence filters based on cesium vaporAndreev A.G., Bureev, S.V., Eroniyan, M.A., Komarov, A.V., Kryukov I.I., Mazunina T.V., Poloskov А.А., Ter-Nersesyants, E.V., Tsibinogina, M.K.
Increasing the birefringence in anisotropic single-mode fiber lightguides with an elliptical stress cladding