Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2014. V. 81. № 1.
Physical optics
Svistunov, D.V.
Optimizing the mode-excitation conditions when a planar waveguide is being investigated by means of end-fire mode spectroscopyKonev, L.S., Shpolyanskiy, Y.A.
Calculating the field and spectrum of the reverse wave induced when a femtosecond pulse with a superwide spectrum propagates in an optical waveguideBayova, Y.V., Lapovok, E.V., Khankov, S.I.
How latitudinal dependences of the earth’s temperature and albedo affect the thermal regime of an isothermal space object in solar-synchronous orbitAbdusamatov, K.I., Lapovok, E.V., Khankov, S.I.
Monitoring the earth’s energy balance from Lagrange point L1Laser physics and technique
Polyakov, D.S., Yakovlev, E.B.
Excitation relaxation in the electron subsystem of a metal when it is irradiated with ultrashort laser pulsesOptical instrument making and metrology
Papayan, G.V., Zhurba, V.M., Kishalov, A.A., Petrishchev, N.N., Galagudza, M.M.
Fiber fluorescence–reflection spectrometer with multiwave excitationDrobyshev, A.I., Savinov, S.S.
Experimental study of the spread function and resolving power of an optical digital spectrograph based on an MFS polychromatorBelov, N.P., Lapshov, S.N., Mayorov, E.E., Sherstobitova, A.S., Yaskov, A.D.
Optical properties of green liquors and the use of commercial refractometry to monitor their composition in the production of sulfate celluloseOptical material science and technology
Otrokhov, S.Y., Chamorovskiy, Y.K., Shatrov, A.D.
Characteristics of the modes of planar W-lightguides with arbitrary contrast of the refractive-index profileLetters to the editor
Babkina, A.N., Sidorov, A.I., Shirshnev, P.S.
Thermochromic effect in aluminoborate glasses with copper (i) and chlorine ions