Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2015. V. 82. № 3.
Laser physics and technique
Davydov, V.V., Dudkin, V.I., Velichko, E.N., Karseev, A.Y.
Fiber-optic system for simulating accidents in the cooling circuits of a nuclear power plantDvortsov, D.V., Parfenov, V.A., Fomin, A.S.
Stabilizing the radiation frequency of laser diodes, using the absorption lines of iodine isotope 127I2Ivanov, S.I., Lavrov, A.P., Saenko, I.I.
Optical-fiber system for forming the directional diagram of a broad-band phased-array receiving antenna, using wave-multiplexing technology and the chromatic dispersion of the fiberKuzmin, M.S., Rogov, S.A.
Optical Fourier processor with a liquid-crystal information-input deviceTimchenko, E.V., Timchenko, P.E., Volova, L.T., Milyakova, M.N., Maksimenko, N.A., Taskina, L.A.
Using Raman spectroscopy to estimate the demineralization of bone transplants during preparationGanzherli, N.M., Gulyaev, S.N., Maurer, I.A., Chernykh, D.F.
Forming the surface relief of complex holographic structures on photosensitive material PFG-01Nepomniashchaya, E.K., Velichko, E.N., Aksenov, E.T., Bogomaz, T.A.
Use of laser correlation spectroscopy to investigate the parameters of biological suspensionsKruzhalov, S.V., Kushevich, A.Y.
Wave converter with optical modulationBorisov, V.L., Borisova, M.E.
Study of the charge-accumulation and -relaxation kinetics in a solid dielectric when it is electron-irradiated by an optical methodKiesewetter, D.V., Ilyin N.V., Malyugin, V.I., Sun, Changsen
Investigation of speckle structures formed by the optical vortices of fiber lightguidesLetters to the editor
Kochkarev, D.V.
How the composition of the environment affects the surface erosion of a photodiode when it is irradiated by a laser pulseCordero Dávila, A., Lemus Alonso, G.P., Izazaga Perez, R., Pino Mota, E.
Why are astigmatic surfaces obtained when machines designed for fabricating surfaces with rotational symmetry are used? Experimental results and analysis