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Ultraviolet Excimer Radiation from Nonequilibrium Gas Discharges and its Application in Photophysics, Photochemistry and Photobiology

Ссылка для цитирования:

Kogelschatz U. Ultraviolet Excimer Radiation from Nonequilibrium Gas Discharges and its Application in Photophysics, Photochemistry and Photobiology [in English] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2012. V. 79. № 8. P. 55–69.

Ссылка на англоязычную версию:

U. Kogelschatz, "Ultraviolet excimer radiation from nonequilibrium gas discharges and its application in photophysics, photochemistry and photobiology," Journal of Optical Technology. 79(8),484-493 (2012).


Narrowband UV and VUV excimer radiation can be generated in a variety of nonequilibrium gas discharges: dielectric barrier discharges, microhollow cathode discharges, arrays of microplasmas, corona discharges. Excimer lamps (excilamps) are now available for a large number of wavelengths and in various geometrical shapes. The availability of nearly monochromatic photon fluxes ranging in energy up to 15 eV resulted in a number of innovative photo-induced processes in photophysics, photochemistry and photobiology. This report focuses on progress made in the last decade.

Ключевые слова:

ultraviolet radiation, excimer fluorescence, photochemistry, materials processing, pollution control, phototherapy

Коды OCIS: 350.5400, 350.5130, 350.5610

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