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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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УДК: 612.82, 159.931, 004.93'12, 004.932

Classification and recognition of images of animate and inanimate objects

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Моисеенко Г.А., Шелепин Ю.Е., Хараузов А.К., Пронин С.В., Чихман В.Н., Вахрамеева О.А. Классификация и распознавание изображений живой и неживой природы // Оптический журнал. 2015. Т. 82. № 10. С. 53–64.


Moiseenko G.A., Shelepin Yu.E., Kharauzov A.K., Pronin S.V., Chikhman V.N., Vakhrameeva O.A. Classification and recognition of images of animate and inanimate objects [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2015. V. 82. № 10. P. 53–64.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

G. A. Moiseenko, Yu. E. Shelepin, A. K. Kharauzov, S. V. Pronin, V. N. Chikhman, and O. A. Vakhrameeva, "Classification and recognition of images of animate and inanimate objects," Journal of Optical Technology. 82(10), 685-693 (2015).


The work of an operator in solving two classification problems when working with one image alphabet is studied. From ninety visual stimuli, half of the images contained animate objects, and the other half contained inanimate objects. The first task was to classify the images according to a semantic attribute—whether they contained an animate or inanimate object. This alphabet of stimuli was then subjected to wavelet filtering in a low- and high-spatial-frequency region, regardless of semantic significance. The second task was to classify the stimuli according to a physical attribute—a blurred or unblurred object in the image. Electrophysiological monitoring of the operator’s work—recording of the induced visual potentials from the entire surface of the head—made it possible to detect that, from the beginning of the stimulation until the organization of the motor response, parallel processing of the observed signal occurs according to the different semantic and physical attributes. The responses of the temporal and frontal sections of the brain associated with the semantics of the images are distinguished, even under those conditions in which the subject’s task was to classify the physical properties of an image of an object.


visual search, categorization, image recognition, induced brain potentials, wavelet filtering


This investigation was carried out as part of the financing of the scientific research project “Technology for optimizing and restoring human cognitive functions by a virtual medium” (Project No. 14-15-00918 of the Russian Scientific Foundation at the I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences).

OCIS codes: 100.499, 330.5000, 330.5020


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