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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

Article submission Подать статью



“Opticheskii Zhurnal” publishes scientific reviews, full-text articles and short reports.

The articles are accepted both in Russian and in English.

The full-text article and the scientific review should be well structured, namely they should include an abstract, keywords, introduction, several sections, conclusion and references.


The article should consist of the following:

- Title page

- Main text

- References

- Information about the authors


A manuscript material should be laid out in accordance to Regulations of “Opticheskii Zhurnal” presented on the website:

- Structure of article

- Manuscripts' requirements, including:

- Title page layout

- References


The Title page should consist of the following:


- The name of the Article

- Basic information about the authors

- Corresponding author (address for correspondence)

- Abstract

- Keywords

- Acknowledgement

- OCIS codes


The authors may download Title page layout.

The Article’s name should be short and should summarize its content (result of the research). Abbreviations in the Article’s name are unacceptable.


Basic information about the authors:

- first name, family name, patronymic name (if any) (in full);

- affiliation (without indication of legal entity form);

- address of organization (establishment), where the author works or studies (city and country);

- author’s e-mail address;

- Open Researcher and Contributor ID – ORCID.


The authors are indicated in the agreed order.

The author’s e-mail is indicated without the word “e-mail”; the e-mail is not followed by the full stop.

ORCID is indicated in URL form. It is not followed by the full stop.

The name of the organization (establishment) and its address are separated by commas.

Corresponding author (address for correspondence). A team of authors should appoint the corresponding author for communication with the editorial office; the e-mail of the corresponding author is indicated on Title page.



The author(s) should present the content of the article in the form of the abstract in the volume of 150-200 words.


The Abstract should consist of the following:

- Subject of the research

- Purpose of the work

- Methods and methodology (theoretical and experimental)

- Main results (including the scientific novelty)

- Practical significance (including the scope of the results)


The purpose and the name of the Article should correspond.

The purpose of the work should be formulated as intended result (relationship establishment, device, material, etc.) rather than as the process (research, analysis, etc.).

The results should correspond to the purpose.

The Article and the Abstract are individual documents relating to one and the same work, so the formulations of the purpose in the Article (in Introduction) and in the Abstract should correspond, and the formulations of the main results, including the scientific novelty and practical significance, in the Article (in Conclusion) and in the Abstract should not significantly differ.

The purpose can be divided into several problems, that are also indicated in the introduction and are solved step by step in the main part of the Article.

Shortcuts and abbreviations in the Abstract are unacceptable.

Keywords should present the essence of the Article. The main keyword is indicated first, the total number of the keywords is not less than 5 and not more than 15.

The Keywords make the search of the Article in the Internet easier. The words and combinations of words indicated as Keywords should be present in the text of the Article.

Acknowledgement. In this section the authors provide information about the sources of financing of the research, names of the scientific grants (it is necessary to indicate the name and the number of the grant and the issuing authority), information about the persons contributed to the research or preparation of the Article’s manuscript.

OCIS codes: the codes should be indicated in order of importance.


Main text

The main text should consist of:

- Introduction

- Sections of the main part with the informative names

- Conclusion

- References


Introduction, sections and conclusion are not numbered.

The Introduction should contain the informative statement of the researched problem, the validation of topicality of the presented work, confirmed by the needs of the science, technique and community development, short analysis of the solutions from the scientific literature (with references to the sources), advantages (features) of the presented approach. Clear purpose formulation is a must.

The references to the latest journal publications should confirm the topicality of the research.

The purpose of the work should be formulated as intended result rather than as the process (research, analysis, etc.).

The Article and the Abstract are individual documents relating to one and the same work, so the formulations of the purpose in the Article (in Introduction) and in the Abstract should coincide.

The purpose of the work should be indicated both in the Abstract and in the Introduction.

The purpose can be divided into several problems, that are also indicated in the introduction and are solved step by step in the main part of the Article.

In the main part of the work the authors should present and explain (prove) the received statements and conclusions, the results of theoretical and experimental research or mathematical simulation illustrating the proposed statements.

The text should contain the references to the sources revealing the theoretical and methodological bases of the presented work.

The main part of the work should be divided into sections. The sections should have informative names. Such names as “Main part” are unacceptable.

The Conclusion contains the main results of the work. In the Conclusion it is necessary to summarize the scientific novelty, the main results of the research, to make comments on the results and, if possible, to indicate the directions for future research and the scope of the results. It is advisable to escape the bare listing of the presented materials. It is necessary to demonstrate the achievement of the goal declared in Introduction.


References, citations, footnotes

The list of References is made up in accordance to References layout.

If a monograph or an article has both printed and electronic versions, the reference is made only to its printed version.

The sources are numbered in the order, in which they are mentioned in the text. All sources should be indicated in the list of References.

It is recommended to make References to the laws, decrees, orders, standards, regulatory documents in the form of in-text references (footnotes).

The References should confirm the topicality of the presented work and reveal its theoretical and methodological bases.

It is advisable to escape using references older than 10 years, except for references to primary sources.

Recommended list of references: for reviews – 30-50, for full-text articles –  15-20, for short reports – 5-10 .

At list half of the list of references should consist of the references to the articles published in foreign periodicals included in Scopus and Web of Science databases.

For a full-text article not more than 3 references to the authors’ publications are allowed.

The names of the literature sources are given in the original.

When referred to “Opticheskii Zhurnal”, it is necessary to make double reference to Russian language version (“Opticheskii Zhurnal”) and English language version (“Journal of Optical Technology”). See References to the journal.



Mazur Ya.V., Voznesenskaya A.O. Synthesis of freeform optical surfaces using neural networks [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2022. V. 89. № 2. P. 36–42.


Ya. V. Mazur and A. O. Voznesenskaya, "Synthesis of freeform optical surfaces using neural networks," Journal of Optical Technology. 89(2), 89-93 (2022).


It is necessary to indicate DOI in the reference, if it is available.


Information about the authors

Information should be presented according to the below example. If the author considers some information unnecessary, for instance, position, then this information is not mentioned. It is possible to indicate one or several affiliations.




Ivan I. Ivanoff — Academician of the RAS, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Full Professor, Scientific Director of the Research Institute of OI, Full Professor of the ABCDE University, Moscow, 123456, Russia; Scopus ID 123456789123;;