Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2025. V. 92. № 4.
Physical optics
Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Nalimov A.G., Kozlova E.S., Telegin A.M.
Spin-orbit transformation in a sharp focusSemiconductor physics and optoelectronics elements
Lendyashova, V.V., Ilkiv I.V., Talalaev V.G., Shugabaev Talgat, Reznik, R.R., Cirlin, G.Е.
Influence of capping layer growth mode on the photoluminescence of InAs quantum dots in siliconLaser physics and technique
Kim Jun Wan, Park Seolwon, Kim Guang-Hoon, Yashin, V.E., Yang Juhee
Hybrid laser system for amplification chirped pulse in a Yb fiber and a Yb:YAG thin-rod amplifiersOptical instruments and measuring methods in physics, engineering and nature
Nesterov M.S., Afanasyeva E.M., Lopin V.I.
Effective radiation mathematical model of air objects taking into account ascending and descending radiation in a cloudless atmosphere in the infrared wavelength rangeOptical and optoelectronic devices and systems
Korolev A.N., Lukin, A.Y., Filatov, Y.V.
Experimental study of the error of a matrix displacement meterUshanov S.A., Plotnikov, M.Y., Volkov, A.V., Mukhtubaev A.B., Goncharov D.B., Karpov E.E., Sandrovsky A.A.
Theoretical and experimental dynamic range estimation of the coherent optical time-domain reflectometerImage formation, processing and recognition
Gmyria V.A., Treshchalin A.P.
Extraction of low-contrast blurred objects in space images using convolutional neural networksCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Tsyganok, E.A., Kozhina, A.D., Hengyi Zhang, Trishina D.D.
Design of dual-channel panoramic optical system for car vehicle visionVoytov A.S., Egorenko M.P., Efremov V.S.
Selection of liquid parameters for chromaticity correction in liquid lensesMaltsev, G.N., Koshkarov, A.S.
Isoplanatism of ground-based optical systems with multiconjugate adaptive phase correctionPhotonics, nanophotonics and radio photonics
Semynin M.S., Romanova A.V., Tatarinov D.A.
Photoluminescence study of inorganic CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals localized in an electrodynamic trap