Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 12.
Semiconductor physics and optoelectronics elements
Kopytov, P.E., Rochas, S.S., Kolodezniy, E.S., Novikov, I.I., Voropaev, K.O.
High-power p-i-n photodiode of 1300–1550 nm spectral range with a responsivity of 0.5 A/W at an optical radiation power of 50 mWLaser physics and technique
Boreisho, A.S., Savin A.V., Strakhov, S.Y., Ershov, A.G., Sukhanov G.A., Dzhgamadze G.T., Sotnikova, N.V.
Optoinformation method of subdiffraction angular measurementsKovach, Y.N., Blokhin, S.A., Bobrov, M.A., Blokhin, A.A., Maleev, N.A., Babichev, A.V., Karachinsky, L.Y., Novikov, I.I., Gladyshev, A.G., Kolodezniy, E.S., Voropaev, K.O., Ustinov, V.M., Egorov A.Y.
Analysis of α-factor of 1.55 μm-range vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers based on InGaAs/InAlGaAs quantum wellsBlokhin, S.A., Kovach, Y.N., Bobrov, M.A., Blokhin, A.A., Babichev, A.V., Karachinsky, L.Y., Novikov, I.I., Gladyshev, A.G., Kopytov, P.E., Papylev D.S., Voropaev, K.O., Egorov A.Y., Tian Sicong, Bimberg Dieter
Energy efficiency of optical data transmission by 1.55 μm range vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser with the active region based on InGaAs/InAlGaAs quantum wellsOptical instruments and measuring methods in physics, engineering and nature
Pleshakov, I.V., Sklyarova A.S., Proskurina O.V., Nechitailov A.A., Glebova N.V.
Spectral characteristics of organic dye neutral red in aqueous-glycerol solutions and films of polyvinyl alcoholMachikhin, A.S., Belyaeva, A.S., Zolotukhina A.А.
Comparative analysis of the methods for remote mapping the whiteness over the object surfaceOptical and optoelectronic devices and systems
Konnov, D.A., Kazachkova, I.D., Konnov, K.A., Kulikova, V.A., Varzhel, S.V.
Development and research of a fiber-optic temperature sensor based on the superposition of two regenerated fiber Bragg gratingsCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Solomatin, V.A., Putilin N.А., Torshina, I.P., Putilin A.N.
Development of the methods for synthesis of panoramic optical systems based on panoramic annu lar lensesPhotonics, nanophotonics and radio photonics
Voloshina, A.L., Korobkova U.R., Konnov, D.A., Varzhel, S.V., Karpov E.E.
Development of a fiber-optic temperature sensor with chirped Bragg gratings, based on modulation of the intensity of optical radiationOptical material science and technology
Lebedev, V.F.
Analysis of sectorial plates of synthetic HPHT diamonds using laser spark emission spectroscopy, taking into account the similarity of ablation processesBiophotonics and biomedical optics
Shamova A.A., Shandybina, G.D., Polyakov, D.S., Belikov, A.V.
Influence of optical microcavitation on fragmentation and defragmentation processes of carbon nanoparticle agglomerates under the action of nanosecond laser pulses