DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-12-91-98
УДК: 546.26-162, 549.211, 533.9.082.5
Analysis of sectorial plates of synthetic HPHT diamonds using laser spark emission spectroscopy, taking into account the similarity of ablation processes
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Лебедев В.Ф. Анализ секториальных пластин синтетических HPHT-алмазов методом лазерно-искровой эмиссионной спектроскопии с учётом подобия процессов абляции // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 12. С. 91–98.
Lebedev V.F. Analysis of sectorial plates of synthetic HPHT diamonds by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy with consideration of similarity of ablation processes [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 12. P. 91–98.
Subject of study. Nitrogen or boron doped sectorial synthetic HPHT diamond plates. Aim of study. Analysis of the impurity chemical composition of HPHT diamonds in growth sectors considering the similarity of ablation processes. Method. The method of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy was applied under conditions of laser-induced graphitization of the surface. Main results. Laser-induced graphitization of the plate surface by a series of laser pulses is characterised by a pulse-to-pulse change in the intensity of the molecular C2 band in the laser plasma emission spectrum. The similarity of dependences of C2 band intensity change from pulse to pulse has been found, and for nitrogendoped diamonds the similarity is also observed for the CN band. Similarity of similar dependences was found for the emission bands characterising hydrogen and oxygen impurities. The intensity of the graphitization process is maximum and minimum, respectively, for the growth sectors (111) and (100) and is determined mainly by a significant difference in the nitrogen concentrations in these sectors. Practical significance. The presence of similarities for the dependences of the intensities of atomic and molecular emission bands of the corresponding chemical elements and the shape of these dependences, obtained by irradiating the samples under study with a series of laser pulses, are allowed to consider LIBS as another highly sensitive and effective spectral method for analyzing impurities of any chemical elements with the identification of the sectorial structure of diamond samples. Also it is possible to use the LIBS method as a means of monitoring and selecting diamond samples.
HPHT diamond, growth sector, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, laser-induced graphitization, similarity of ablation processes
Acknowledgements:the work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, agreement № FSRF-2023-0003, “Fundamental principles for the construction of noise-resistant systems for space and satellite communications, relative navigation, technical vision and aerospace monitoring”
OCIS codes: 140.3440, 300.6365, 280.1545
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