Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 1.
Physical optics
Shugabaev Talgat, Gridchin, V.O., Mel'nichenko, I.A., Lendyashova, V.V., Novikova, K.N., Kotlyar, K.Р., Kulagina, A.S., Kryzhanovskaya, N.V., Cirlin, G.Е.
Synthesis and optical properties of hybrid nanostructures based on plasmonic silver nanoparticles and InGaN nanowiresVedyashkina, A.V., Raskovskaya, I.L., Pavlov, I.N.
Investigation of the liquid droplet surface profile features using the laser caustic methodImage formation, processing and recognition
Kleymyonov, V.V., Novikova, E.V.
Algorithm for correcting star image jitter in a ground-based optical telescope using an artificial reference sourceLaser physics and technique
Dubinov, A.A.
The minimum number of stages in a terahertz GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-cascade laser with a waveguide of metal-to-metalBiophotonics and biomedical optics
Vaks, V.L., Domrachyova, E.G., Chernyaeva, M.B., Anfertiyev, V.A., Yablokov, A.A.
Terahertz nonstationary high resolution spectroscopy: State of art and trends of developmentOptical and optoelectronic devices and systems
Lovchiy, I.L.
Modeling the parameters of a two-coordinate autocollimator with a multi-element mark and a matrix photodetectorCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Greisukh, G.I., Levin, I.A., Kazin, S.V.
Afocal corrector for expanding the operating spectral and temperature ranges of an infrared system: Design methodology and achieved optical performancePhotonics, nanophotonics and radio photonics
Parfenov M.V., Tronev A.V., Agruzov, P.M., Il'ichev I.V., Varlamov A.V., Usikova A.A., Zadiranov Y.M., Shamrai A.V.
High-order modes suppression in an integrated optical thin-film lithium niobate phase modulatorOptical material science and technology
Toikka A.S., Fedorova L.O., Kamanina, N.V.
The influence of laser-deposited carbon-containing nanoparticles on the orienting properties of the conducting layer based on indium tin oxide for liquid crystal devicesSharing experiences
Prokashev V.N.
Correction of spectral characteristics in the manufacture of bandpass multilayer dielectric filters