DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-12-99-109
УДК: 544.032.65
Influence of optical microcavitation on fragmentation and defragmentation processes of carbon nanoparticle agglomerates under the action of nanosecond laser pulses
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Шамова А.А., Шандыбина Г.Д., Поляков Д.С., Беликов А.В. Влияние оптической микрокавитации на процессы фрагментации и дефрагментации агломератов углеродных наночастиц при воздействии наносекундных лазерных импульсов // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 12. С. 99–109.
Shamova A.A., Shandybina G.D., Polyakov D.S., Belikov A.V. Influence of optical microcavitation on fragmentation and defragmentation processes of carbon nanoparticle agglomerates under the action of nanosecond laser pulses [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 12. P. 99–109.
Subject of study. Nonlinear process of transformation of carbon black nanoparticle agglomerates in a biological liquid medium under the influence of nanosecond laser radiation. Aim of study. Determination of the role of optical microcavitation in combination with accumulative effects in the competitive processes of fragmentation and defragmentation of carbon black nanoparticle agglomerates in a liquid medium under the influence of a series of nanosecond laser pulses in the near-IR range. Method. Optical microscopy combined with software processing of images of phantom samples irradiated in various laser modes. Main results. The nonlinear contribution of accumulative heating to the structural changes of carbon black nanoparticles agglomerates has been experimentally established. A region of parameters (the number of laser pulses, their repetition rate) has been found in which the transition from the fragmentation process to the defragmentation process occurs. Mechanisms of fragmentation and defragmentation of carbon black nanoparticle agglomerates have been proposed. Practical significance. The regularities studied are important for optimizing modes of laser processing of carbon black nanoparticle agglomerates in liquid media, including biological ones.
carbon black, nanosecond laser pulse, agglomerate, fragmentation, defragmentation, microbubbles, suspension, accumulative heating
Acknowledgements:the reported study was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, Project № 19-79-10208
OCIS codes: 140.3390, 140.3615
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