DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-12-70-83
УДК: 681.783.2
Development of the methods for synthesis of panoramic optical systems based on panoramic annu lar lenses
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Соломатин В.А., Путилин Н.А., Торшина И.П., Путилин А.Н. Разработка методики синтеза панорамных оптических систем на основе зеркально-линзовых компонентов // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 12. С. 70–83.
Solomatin V.A., Putilin N.A., Torshina I.P., Putilin A.N. Development of the methods for synthesis of panoramic optical systems based on panoramic annular lenses [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 12. P. 70–83.
Subject of study. The panoramic annular lenses and optical systems based on them. Aim of study. The development of the methods for the synthesis of panoramic annular lenses and design of relay optical systems for them. Method. The method for synthesizing of panoramic annular lenses was developed based on ensuring the required path of the real optical rays. The created program for the synthesis of the panoramic optical component was integrated with a program for modeling and aberration analysis of optical systems developed by the authors. Main results. A new method has been developed that ensures the synthesis of panoramic annular lenses with a given aperture ratio and maximum viewing angle (including at 2ωmax > 180°), and a minimum size of the blind zone near the optical axis. Practical significance. The new design of the panoramic component that provide better manufacturability was proposed. A variant of a panoramic optical system for the visible range, characterized by high compactness, is proposed. The results of the synthesis of an ultra-wide-angle (angular field up to 2ω = 190°) and super-aperture (relative aperture up to 1:0,53) optical system for the IR range can be used, in particular, in the development of multi-altitude local vertical detectors for low-orbit satellites.
panoramic annular lenses, panoramic optical system, synthesis and design of optical systems, optimization of optical systems
Acknowledgements:the team of authors expresses gratitude to Anatoly B. Kurtov: analysis of his ideas formed the basis of this article
OCIS codes: 110.0110, 230.0230
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