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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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УДК: 681.785.555

Spectrographs for ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet regions of the spectrum with cross-dispersion and method of alignment

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Голубовский Ю.М., Горбунов Г.Г., Ермолаева Г.М., Крылов Б.Е., Мякишева И.Н., Кулагина А.С., Савушкин А.В., Таганов О.К., Тяпков В.А., Храмов В.Ю., Фомин Г.Н., Шилов В.Б. Спектрографы для ультрафиолетовой и вакуумной ультрафиолетовой областей спектра со скрещенной дисперсией. Методика юстировки // Оптический журнал. 2017. Т. 84. № 4. С. 42–45.


Golubovskiy Yu.M., Gorbunov G.G., Ermolaeva G.M., Krylov B.E., Myakisheva I.N., Kulagina A.S., Savushkin A.V., Taganov O.K., Tyapkov V.A., Khramov V.Yu., Fomin G.N., Shilov V.B. Spectrographs for ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet regions of the spectrum with cross-dispersion and method of alignment [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2017. V. 84. № 4. P. 42–45. 

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

Yu. M. Golubovskiĭ, G. G. Gorbunov, G. M. Ermolaeva, E. B. Krylov, I. N. Myakisheva, A. S. Kulagina, A. V. Savushkin, O. K. Taganov, V. A. Tyapkov, V. Yu. Khramov, G. N. Fomin, and V. B. Shilov, "Spectrographs for ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet regions of the spectrum with cross-dispersion and method of alignment," Journal of Optical Technology. 84(4), 252-255 (2017).


A technique for aligning and calibrating spectrographs with the cross-dispersion of ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV-UV) ranges using an additional holographic diffraction grating operating in the visible region of the spectrum is presented. This holographic diffraction grating provides a spatial position of the diffracted radiation at a selected wavelength in the visible range, which matches the position of the diffracted VUV-UV radiation when mounted in the scheme of a ruled operating grating. The efficiency of this technique is demonstrated by performing the alignment and calibration of two VUV-UV channels of the ground-based simulator of a three-channel space spectrograph, which was developed in the framework of the project Spectrum-UV (World Space Observatory).


spectrograph with cross-dispersion, holographic diffraction grating, VUV-UV ranges

OCIS codes: 120.6200, 230.1950, 090.2890, 220.1000


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