УДК: 681.7.069
Method of multispectral simulation of the radiation of point objects
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Ильинский А.В., Мальцева Н.К. Метод многоспектральной имитации излучения точечных объектов // Оптический журнал. 2010. Т. 77. № 2. С. 74–78.
Iliinskiy A.V., Maltseva N.K. Method of multispectral simulation of the radiation of point objects [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2010. V. 77. № 2. P. 74–78.
A. V. Il’inskiĭ and N. K. Mal’tseva, "Method of multispectral simulation of the radiation of point objects," Journal of Optical Technology. 77(2), 137-140 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.77.000137
This paper discusses a method of simulating the spectral composition of the optical radiation of a point source, which is used when optoelectronic devices that operate with the radiation of remote objects undergo energy testing in the laboratory. The layout and the characteristics of the point-source radiation simulator are presented.
point-source optical radiation simulator, energy testing of optoelectronic devices
OCIS codes: 280.1120