УДК: 535.317.7
Efficient evaluation of the primary aberrations of optical systems during their production
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Шаров А.А. Оперативная оценка первичных аберраций оптических систем в процессе их производства // Оптический журнал. 2010. Т. 77. № 2. С. 79–83.
Sharov A.A. Efficient evaluation of the primary aberrations of optical systems during their production [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2010. V. 77. № 2. P. 79–83.
A. A. Sharov, "Efficient evaluation of the primary aberrations of optical systems during their production," Journal of Optical Technology. 77(2), 141-144 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.77.000141
This paper proposes a simple method and criterion for evaluating the image quality of optical systems that can be used in process control of objectives under production conditions. The method is based on the properties of the aberrations of the optical systems.
OCIS codes: 220.0220, 220.1010, 220.4840