УДК: 528.31-853
Radio-optical and optical mechanisms of the influence of space factors on global climate warming
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Авакян С.В., Воронин Н.А. О радиооптическом и оптическом механизмах влияния космических факторов на глобальное потепление климата // Оптический журнал. 2010. Т. 77. № 2. С. 90–93.
Avakyan S.V., Voronin N.A. Radio-optical and optical mechanisms of the influence of space factors on global climate warming [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2010. V. 77. № 2. P. 90–93.
S. V. Avakyan and N. A. Voronin, "Radio-optical and optical mechanisms of the influence of space factors on global climate warming," Journal of Optical Technology. 77(2), 150-152 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.77.000150
A tendency has been detected in the last few years for the signs of long-term trends to vary in a number of the main factors by which secular cycles of the sun's activity affect the weather-climate system. The sign changes in the trends of the water vapor and ozone concentrations in the atmosphere coincided with this variation. This paper discusses the radio-optical mechanism of the action of solar-geomagnetic activity and the optical mechanism by which galactic cosmic rays affect global climate warming via regulation of the transparency of the atmosphere.
OCIS codes: 350.4010, 350.5400, 020.5780, 020.2070