УДК: 53.096, 53.097
Methods of controlling the optical properties of porous films filled with nematic liquid crystal
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Семеренко Д.А., Шмелева Д.В., Пасечник С.В., Чигринов В.Г. Методы управления оптическими свойствами пористых пленок, заполненных нематическим жидким кристаллом // Оптический журнал. 2011. Т. 78. № 7. С. 61–65.
Semerenko D.A., Shmeleva D.V., Pasechnik S.V., Chigrinov V.G. Methods of controlling the optical properties of porous films filled with nematic liquid crystal [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 7. P. 61–65.
D. A. Semerenko, V. G. Chigrinov, D. V. Shmeleva, and S. V. Pasechnik, "Methods of controlling the optical properties of porous films filled with nematic liquid crystal," Journal of Optical Technology. 78(7), 463-466 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.78.000463
This paper discusses the optical properties of porous polyethylene terephthalate films filled with nematic liquid crystal. Various methods are investigated for controlling the transmittance of the films. The switching times of a liquid-crystal cell are measured under the action of an ac electric field and when the film is heated either by an electric current or by short-wavelength radiation in the optical region. It is experimentally determined that the cell’s response rate is significantly greater under the action of an electric field than under other external actions. In this case, the switching ON times are about 100 µs and are substantially independent of the pore diameter, while the switching OFF times vary from 200 to 700 µs as the pore diameter increases from 200 to 850 nm.
nematic liquid crystal, porous films
Acknowledgements:The research was supported by the grants of Russian agency of education "The development of scientific potential of higher education (2009-2010)" 2.1.1/5873, federal target program "Scientific and academic staff of innovative Russia" НК-410П/77, and also by the grants of Hong Kong university of science and technology CERG 612208, CERG 612409 и ITP/009/09NI.
OCIS codes: 160.3710, 160.1190