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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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УДК: 535.373.3

Binding energy of a quasi-molecule in nanoheterostructures

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Покутний С.И., Горбик П.П. Энергия связи квазимолекулы в наногетероструктурах // Оптический журнал. 2016. Т. 83. № 8. С. 12–16.


Pokutniy S.I., Gorbik P.P. Binding energy of a quasi-molecule in nanoheterostructures [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2016. V. 83. № 8. P. 12–16.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

S. I. Pokutniĭ and P. P. Gorbik, "Binding energy of a quasi-molecule in nanoheterostructures," Journal of Optical Technology. 83(8), 459-462 (2016).


This paper shows that the appearance of a quasi-molecule consisting of two cadmium sulfide quantum dots located in a borosilicate glass matrix with electrons localized above the surfaces of the quantum dots has a threshold character and can occur in a nanosystem in which the distance D between the surfaces of the quantum dots is determined by the condition Dc(1)≤D≤Dc(2) (where Dc(1) and Dc(2) are certain critical distances). A substantial increase (by more than an order of magnitude) is detected in the binding energy of the singlet ground state of a quasi-molecule by comparison with the binding energy of a biexciton in single-crystal cadmium sulfide. It is established that the main contribution to the binding energy of the quasi-molecule is from the electron–hole exchange-interaction energy, which is substantially greater than the contribution of the electron–hole Coulomb-interaction energy.


nanoheterosystem, quasi-molecule, superatoms, quantum dots, binding energy

OCIS codes: 160.2540, 160.4236, 250.5230


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