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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2019-86-01-13-20

УДК: 543.424.2

Chemometric analysis during the fabrication of biological implants from cerebral dura mater

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Тимченко П.Е., Тимченко Е.В., Волова Л.Т., Волов Н.В., Фролов О.О. Хемометрический анализ биоимплантатов из твердой мозговой оболочки при их изготовлении // Оптический журнал. 2019. Т. 86. № 1. С. 13–20.


Timchenko P.E., Timchenko E.V., Volova L.T., Volov N.V., Frolov O.O. Chemometric analysis during the fabrication of biological implants from cerebral dura mater  [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2019. V. 86. № 1. P. 13–20.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

P. E. Timchenko, E. V. Timchenko, L. T. Volova, N. V. Volov, and O. O. Frolov, "Chemometric analysis during the fabrication of biological implants from cerebral dura mater," Journal of Optical Technology. 86(1), 9-15 (2019).


This paper presents the results of a comparative spectral estimate of the surface components of implant samples based on cerebral dura mater fabricated by the Lyoplast technology, with and without ultrasound treatment. Raman spectroscopy is chosen as the main test method. These studies make it possible to propose criteria that allow the relative concentrations of the main components of the extracellular matrix to be estimated. It is shown that deconvolution of the spectra by fitting a spectral contour and chemometric analysis by the principal-component method make it possible to carry out an extended qualitative and quantitative component analysis of bioimplants based on cerebral dura mater in terms of the contents of the main biomatrix indices and to rapidly estimate the most representative parameters that affect the implant quality.


Raman spectroscopy, optical coefficients, cerebral dura mater, ultrasound treatment


The research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) (17-44-630343 r_a).

OCIS codes: 300.6450, 160.1435, 170.6510


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