DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2025-92-01-43-52
УДК: 621.373:531.748
Optical-electronic system for aiming with multichannel laser alignment radiation registration
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Калашников Е.В., Чарухчев А.В. Оптико-электронная система наведения и регистрации юстировочного излучения многоканального лазера // Оптический журнал. 2025. Т. 92. № 1. С. 43–52.
Kalashnikov Ye.V., Charukhchev A.V. Optoelectronic system for aiming and registration of multichannel laser alignment radiation [in Russian]// Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2025. V. 92. № 1. P. 43–52.
Subject of study. Multichannel laser facilities to study various processes of conversion of laser radiation into X-ray radiation, physics of plasma heating and compression and other phenomena in the interaction of radiation with matter. Aim of study. Implementation of the method and equipment creation that provides the ability to automatically aim laser beams of multichannel laser systems at a target in cubic irradiation symmetry with registration of the adjustment radiation of a multichannel laser. Method. Solving the problem of aiming the working radiation at the target by an optical-electronic system before conducting physical experiments on multi-channel laser installations using adjustment radiation generated in continuous mode, and its subsequent registration at specified points of the target. Main results. An optical-electronic system for aiming at the target with registration of radiation used for adjustment of a multi-channel laser has been developed. The developed method of aiming the radiation on the target and its implementation using the developed equipment allow to bring together and focus the beams of laser channels in specified areas with a size of up to 20 μm on the edges of the target simulator, as well as to ensure control of aiming separately each and simultaneously several induced beams of laser radiation in a specified area of space. Practical significance. The results obtained contribute to accuracy of the alignment of each laser beam of the multichannel facility. The developed aiming system enables to control the absence of misalignment of the aligned channels during the setup process along with simultaneously monitoring of the alignment accuracy of all channels. This provides a way to solve a set of alignment problems that arise in preparing the target for physical experiments on a multi-channel laser facility: determination, fixation and reproduction of coordinates of the center of a spherical target chamber; convergence and focusing of laser channel beams to specified points in the central area of the chamber; alignment of the target.
target chamber, laser facility, target simulator marks, light-guide radiation receiver, radiation power meter
OCIS codes: 120.4820
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